Our Certificates

Our Certificates

Certification is the most important part to work in any profession. First you need to learn your service area and then apply it to any work environment. We believe we have many active certifications to work in this field.

Authorization Letter of ACELab Manufacturer

ACELab is a pioneer in professional tool development for the HDD repair and data recovery industries. Under the PC-3000 trademark, ACE Lab develops proprietary data recovery technologies and provides customers with the most comprehensive and reliable professional data recovery tools on the market through the PC-3000 product line. By continually perfecting, ACE Lab has set the standard for professional data recovery tools and remains the proven leader in the field.

ACELab Quality Certificate

Certificate of Quality or “Certificate of Quality” means the official document recording Chevron laboratory determinations of the quality and BTU content of a particular sample representing a particular Delivery; these laboratory determinations were performed in accordance with the standard test methods described herein. This certificate proves that the quality of the PC-3000 product manufactured by ACELab has been duly audited and complies with our standards.

ruSolut Certificate of Completion

EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker

EC-Council Certified Security Analyst

EC-Council Licensed Penetration Tester